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Dolce x Celler Halloween Party
Event Description
Emergency! On Nov 1, Dolce and Celler need your help to slay the supernatural beings that are running rampant inside Civic Underground. Over the years, numerous ghosts, ghouls, freaks, creatures and monsters who were once DJs, punters, bartenders, security guards, drummers, and bass players inside the club have begun reigning terror upon all of it's patrons. Please don't mistake these beings for your friends, they are evil and mischievous. We have recruited an outstanding strike force of DJs to assist you in vanquishing these evil beings, including Club 77 residents Barney Kato and Mazzacles, BeAvantGarde resident Accent, as well as Dolce and Celler's own residents, Czed, Gabe Flame, Weller and Cee Vee. These creatures hate to see people dancing inside their venue and will migrate elsewhere if the dancefloor is too strong. Unfortunately for these beings, our policy is no bullshit, feel-good, foot-tapping, ass-shaking dancefloor music. It is imperative to this mission that we are disguised heavily, to confuse these creatures. If we don't banish these beings before sunrise of the following morning, the civic will be dragged into the inferno, never to be seen again. This is an emergency. We need as many recruits as we can get, as fast as possible. Don't end up on the wrong side of history when you had the chance to save the Civic. FIRST 30 TICKETS FREE >>>> Event Details <<<< > Date: 1st November 2024 > Venue: Civic Underground > Doors: 9pm > Dress: Spooky
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